“This account has been suspended. Contact your hosting provider for more information.” Getting this warning on your website can be a frustrating experience.
There are multiple reasons to get your hosting account suspended. However, a reputable web hosting company will help you in fixing this issue, or you can hire a WordPress security expert to get your website back.
Before discussing more, let’s understand what “this account has been suspended” means.
Every web hosting company has certain rules and TOS. By hosting a website with a particular company, you agree to their TOS.
If you fail to comply with these TOS, the web hosting company may suspend your account.
In some cases, a web hosting company may decide to block your account for security reasons.
That’s why I have enlisted all possible reasons why you are getting the message: “This account has been suspended” and how to fix it quickly.

Reasons You See the Warning: This account has been suspended.
1. Missing Payment
Almost every web hosting company in the market has adopted a prepaid payment system. You need to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee to continue with their services.
Although web hosting companies send email notifications about the expiry of services well ahead of time, failing to pay renewal fees on time is a common reason to get a web hosting account suspended.
Sometimes, payment notifications emails don’t reach customer’s inbox due to automatic spam filters, change in the email address, blocking email address manually for marketing offers, and similar reasons.
Many people set an automatic a.k.a. “set and forget” payment method for the web hosting renewal.
Change in the credit card or PayPal email address or an insufficient account balance will result in automatic renewal failure.
Since the web hosting company doesn’t receive its money, your account may get suspended.
2. Resource Abuse
The websites hosted on shared hosting server share resources (usually CPU and RAM) with neighboring sites.
If your website starts using too much resources for a long time, then it may affect the performance and loading time of other websites hosted on the same servers.
In such cases, the web hosting company may decide to suspend your website without prior notice.
Usually, adding resource-heavy plugins or apps drain your server resources, causing performance issues.
It’s the time when you’ll realize that unlimited hosting does not mean infinity resources.
However, there is a hack.
If your site is using more resources, then it may be getting more traffic than you estimated. Keeping eyes on traffic analytics and resources usage page will help you identify the real issue and arrange the quick fixes.
3. TOS Violation
Each web hosting company has a strict policy against illegal and unethical activities.
Here are a few prohibited things that may lead to web hosting account suspension.
Copyrighted content
If your website is stealing other people’s content, including text or media files, it may get a DMCA complaint. If the claim is valid, then the web hosting company may remove your website.
Pornographic Content
Many web hosting companies don’t allow adult content to be compatible laws in a particular region.
Since pornographic sites get a hell lot of traffic, the resource abuse may be a reason for not allowing such websites.
Using the web hosting service for notorious web activities, including spamming, mass-mailing, or phishing may ruin the reputation of a web hosting company in the long term along with a few short-term losses.
In some instances, you may need to face legal actions or fines depending on the region.
4. Hacked Account
Beginners and non-techies, who are not aware of web security threats, may face a threat of web hacking.
Using nulled themes or plugins, sharing login details, becoming a victim of phishing are major reasons for getting a website hacked.
If your website using servers resources under the specified limit or having no payment related issues, and still facing account suspension notice, then most probably, your site has been compromised.
5. Shady Web Hosting
This can be a reason for getting a warning message: This account has been suspended.
Since web hosting is quite a big market, many scammers resell web hosting with a tag of unlimited hosting. However, your website gets down with a few visits per day due to insufficient resources allocated to your account.
In the worst case, the reseller may ask customers to pay annual charges upfront and disappears after a few days.
Since the original web hosting does not receive its hosting fees, it’ll suspend or remove websites from its servers.
However, the end-users who run behind the cheap, obscure hosting company may face big trouble.
How to Fix “This Account Has Been Suspended” WordPress Issue
1. Contact Your Web Hosting Provider
When you get the warning message – this account has been suspended, at the very first, you should check your email inbox, including spam folders to see whether you have received any communication from your web hosting company.
Follow the instructions in those emails to recover your account or get in touch with the hosting provider via live chat /phone call to get more information on the matter.
Remember, account suspension has multiple reasons and usually not a fault of a web hosting company. So, keep calm and ask for help to resolve the issue quickly.
2. Check for Payment Settings
It’s the most trivial mistake leading to account suspension. Failing to pay on time or technical billing issues can be real culprits.
When you change the credit card or PayPal email address, make sure you have updated the account information.
In case, you changed the account email address, ensure that you’re getting all important notifications in real-time.
These changes will avoid the missing communications related to your web hosting account, especially automatic payment failures.
3. Review Resource Limits
If you’ve hosted your website on a shared hosting server, ensure that there is no resource abuse.
The cPanel hosting services or even some managed hosting services display how much resources your website use.
Beginners may consult a reputed WordPress hosting expert or ask web hosting support executive to know the limits of a particular hosting plan.
Although many hosting providers market their services as unlimited, they have hidden caps for disk space, bandwidth, maximum PHP memory, inodes, CPU power, and concurrent connections.
To avoid such issues in the future, you should purchase web hosting from a company that is transparent about its offerings.
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4. Check TOS
Reading the terms of the web hosting service will give you a fair idea of Dos and Don’ts.
Although you will find some web hosting companies offer DMCA-ignored hosting, adult hosting, mass-mailing servers, most of the reputed web hosts don’t allow such activities on their network.
Whenever you break a rule, be ready to compensate it in one or another way.
5. Ensure No Security Breach
Malware and viruses are the biggest threats to WordPress security. Since getting your website hacked can be a reason for account suspension.
To prevent the website from malware or virus attacks, use a strong username/password combo, avoid the nulled themes or plugins.
Installing a premium WordPress security plugins is the easiest way to save your website from unwanted security breaches.
To be on the safer side, having a remote backup is always preferable.
6. Keep a Distance from Shady Reseller Hosting
Every glitter is not gold and every cheap web hosting is not great.
If you want to build a professional WordPress website and monetize it, invest money on premium web hosting service and design appeal.
Even when you have a limited budget to run a website, don’t go with shady reseller hosting for the sake of saving.
Either go with free blogging platforms like Blogger, WordPress.com, or pick a cheap WordPress hosting service having a great reputation in the market.
Irrespective of the reason for getting a web hosting account suspended, website downtime can seriously affect the revenue and growth of your business.
Whenever you notice a warning message: This account has been suspended on your website, contact your web hosting company immediately to know the reasons behind it and find quick fixes. No matter whose fault causing this issue, getting your website back in operation form should be your top priority.
I hope you found this article helpful. In case you have any questions, leave to comment below.
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This is really bravo thank you soo much author I will request all the readers to share this pure content with all your friends it really helped, me to solve my problem This account has been suspended contact your hosting provider for more information in a useful way.
My account was suspended, and I didn’t know the reason. But after reading your article, I found that my website was using more than recommended resources.
I have upgraded to a higher tier and my website is back. Since I missed the notification email, I couldn’t figure out what happened to my site. However, your article helped me a lot. Thanks for your efforts.